Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mother's Day Tea

I can go no further in this post until I say a loud and clear thank you to my son’s teachers for the wonderful event they put on this past Wednesday for all the student’s Moms. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


My son’s class hosted a Mother’s Day tea. We were formally invited two weeks in advance and had to RSVP via our child a week before the event. Bug asked me every day if I was coming to tea, and of course I said “yes”.

The day of the event, when I dropped Bug off at school, he jumped out of the car and picked a flower. Handing the dandelion to me he said, “don’t forget to come to tea.”

Oh my little prince, there is no way I’ll stand you up!

At two o’clock sharp, tea started. Each child escorted their mom to a designated seat. We each had a laminated, custom made (by our child) place mat (picture above) to hold our special snacks and drinks and we were presented with special presents made by our children.

I was shocked at how many gifts the kids made for the moms and therefore I’ll only share my favorite. Each child colored a picture of themselves with their mom and on the back of the picture, wrote what they love about Mommy.

I must digress a moment (as I often do) and give a piece of background information. As a devout follower of Yeshua, I am often led by Him in even the smallest details of life, including which clothes to wear. For Mother’s day tea, I knew I was to wear a pants outfit with a purple shirt. Purple is a color I have just recently started wearing and in fact, I believe this was only the third time I had worn this shirt.

Back to the story…..

Bug drew the following picture. It is him and I walking to church (so was his explanation). You can see that in the picture I am wearing a purple shirt. When Bug presented the picture to me, he was overwhelmed with joy that I was dressed the same as his picture and the smile on his face was priceless. It was a fairytale moment in the heart of a preschooler, and I will cherish the memory forever.

By the way, on the back of the picture, he wrote that he loves me because I put band-aids on his boo – boos, I wash the dirty linens and I keep his favorite piglet clean.

I will definitely have a new perspective when doing laundry!

Happy Mother’s Day!


Melanie said...

What a priceless memory!

B His Girl said...

Bug really pays attention to his Mom. How sweet is that!!!!! This was awesome Spring. Flowers, tea, art... Many blessing to his teacher for being special and teaching the children one way how to let someone know they are special. B

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

Just wanted to stop by and say that I know the family and the Lord has a very special and deserving Mother's Day planned for you! Relax and enjoy and embrace the new memories on the day the Lord has made!

Love, peace and blessings